Woman is sucked out of the plane

The window which the woman was sucked out.

A  woman was sucked out of a Boeing 747 because the exploded engine parts did hit the window of that person which broke. To maintain the pressure of inside the plane and outside the plane you need to close the doors, but if you open the door in mid-air it will suck everything from inside the plane to the outside. Without  a  window it’s the same. The force that sucks objects depends on the altitude. If you are at  a low altitude the suck-force  is smaller than when you are on a high altitude.

I think this could be prevented because a long time ago nearly the same thing happened, near Hawai the roof of a plane was blown away. In that Hawai case there was also someone sucked out and killed.

Actions you can take to prevent that someone is sucked out of the window are not quite difficult, here are some examples: the most simple option is to make the airplane windows stronger that it becomes “engine explosion proof” or you can assemble a metal net that  catches people and prevents that they are sucked out.

The only positive thing  about this accident is that it proves that plane windows can brake although everybody thinks they are indestructible.


Here you can read the story  of the broken window.

Here  you can read the story of the blown roof.