The crash that put a stop to the first supersonic commercially plane

Over a century ago in the December of 1903, the first powered airplane took off. It was made by Wilbur and Orville Wright. Also known as the Wright  brothers. The first airplane  was named ‘kitty hawk’ by the Wright brothers and it did not look like any modern airplane made by Boeing or Airbus nowadays. It had a top speed of 48 kilometers per hour, a range of 300 meters  and a carrying capacity of one passenger. In comparison the Boeing 777X has a  top speed of over 1000 kilometers per hour, a range of over 16,000,000 meters and a carrying capacity of 365 passengers. It flies close to the speed of sound, but if it flies normally then it can not break the speed of sound. The first plane to go the speed of sound was the Bell x-1 manufactured by Bell. That was in 1946. The first commercial plane to break the sound barrier was the Concorde, but what the manufacturers did not know was that it was also the last one. Sixteen Concordes were build in total, but only 14 of them actually came in to service for the airlines Air France and British Airways, the manufacturers of the Concorde. At the time of the Concorde it was something really special and it still is. The Concorde yielded British Airways a revenue of 1.75 billion Pounds. The cost were 1 billion Pounds. That’s  a 750 million Pounds profit only for British Airways. The profits were massive. Why did the Concorde end? Why were all the flights canceled? The reason is ‘just’ one crash of a Concorde in France. The first commercial supersonic aircraft came to an end because of Air France Flight 4590.

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Plane dropped several thousand metres because the co-pilot was vaping

The China Airlines airplane dropped several thousand metres because the co-pilot was vaping an   e-cigarette.  The co-pilot of China Airlines had certainly tought something like this :” it is a nice day to fly and lets vape now the captain does’nt see me”.  When the sensors of the plane tought they detected a fire in the cabin the plane automatically descended that is how a Boeing 747 works. Continue reading “Plane dropped several thousand metres because the co-pilot was vaping”

Flight delayed in Florida because a alligator came on the runway

The fact that a alligator came on the runway is’nt just unpleasant because of the delays, but it makes in the worst case the airplane crash. The main reasons why there could come an alligator on the runway is that first of all : it is Florida, Florida is famous because of the large number alligators live there. The second reason is : that the airport  consists of  110 hectares water surface. So there are many alligators hidden there. They could prevent comparable incidents by placing fences around the water.

Here you can watch the recording of a passenger on board.

Woman is sucked out of the plane

The window which the woman was sucked out.

A  woman was sucked out of a Boeing 747 because the exploded engine parts did hit the window of that person which broke. To maintain the pressure of inside the plane and outside the plane you need to close the doors, but if you open the door in mid-air it will suck everything from inside the plane to the outside. Without  a  window it’s the same. The force that sucks objects depends on the altitude. If you are at  a low altitude the suck-force  is smaller than when you are on a high altitude.

I think this could be prevented because a long time ago nearly the same thing happened, near Hawai the roof of a plane was blown away. In that Hawai case there was also someone sucked out and killed.

Actions you can take to prevent that someone is sucked out of the window are not quite difficult, here are some examples: the most simple option is to make the airplane windows stronger that it becomes “engine explosion proof” or you can assemble a metal net that  catches people and prevents that they are sucked out.

The only positive thing  about this accident is that it proves that plane windows can brake although everybody thinks they are indestructible.


Here you can read the story  of the broken window.

Here  you can read the story of the blown roof.