Australian police killed aboriginal “accidently”

The Australian police killed aboriginal “accidently” in a hospital prison. Altough the official reason for his death is still unknown, it is not peculiar to say  he suffocated because he shouted eleven times. If you hear this your first question is: “How could this happen?” . Well the policemen said that if you can speak, you definetly can breathe.  Which is very wrong because  you need air to speak, but when you cannot breathe  your oxygen reservoir is limited that means that you can speak until your oxygen reservoir is empty and your brain does’nt get oxygen anymore what can lead to unconciousness. After unconciousness comes unfortunately the death if you do’nt get oxygen fast.

If you have an instinct for solving this kind of stuff you  are right because that is the first step.  I think it is clear that the police may not kill someone  by this way for any reason. Imagine that he stole hundred million dollar even then the police  is not allowed to kill him this way. In this situation the boy was arrested because he did’nt stop eating cookies. He did’nt steal it, he did’nt murder someone to get cookies and he did’nt pay  black money  for the cookies. He had buyed the cookies with fair money and he was arrested. The fact that the doctor said that does not make the situation less terrible.  Arresting someone and acting such savage for this little thing brings us to another safety fail: trouble with deciding what  still acceptable and allowed  and what is not.  The police corps agreed that it was unacceptable. There is one fact that is very interesting and shows how unfair police can be sometimes and that is that more aborginals died with such violence than others in ratio.  Everybody knows that your rights do not depend on your skin color and origin these days. Onfortunately that is exactly what you can see in the police’s behaviour. My opinion is that the police has to be more  neutral maybe by changing the police’s training because the policeman’s behaviour could be different  to another man. This behaviour from policeman  happens mainly because they don’t trust himand that is  because his appearance does’nt match theirs. So if a policeman is arresting someone far any reason he has to be careful to don’t deal damage to him or she.

You can read the story and watch the video on The Guardian’s website.

Police tasered senior citizen with mental disease

The Dutch police tasered a senior citizen because he misbehaved.  It is not legal to taser someone in a nursing home for eldery. That is because old people are way more weak and sensitive and the hearts of most of them are also sensitive. Some of the senior citizens have  heart problems and with a bit stress or shock they can get a serious hart attack. So it is’nt  just ‘wrong’, but it can be very dangerous too. Continue reading “Police tasered senior citizen with mental disease”

Police used unjust violence: 18000 euros compensation

The police broke doors,  injured and threatened the residents. If you  want to know why, this is why : the residents of that adress had a  hemp cultivation ; that is what the police thought, but they were wrong, because  the guilty ones were the neighbors. That means that the house number was wrong. I think if you want tu use so much violence you have to be 100% sure that you did’nt choose the wrong one.